Focus on me - exterior
Focus on me - exterior
Réservez votre place dès maintenant en payant 50 % du cours 115.00$.
Payez le solde restant lors de votre première semaine de cours.
Réservez votre place dès maintenant en payant 50 % du cours .
Payez le solde restant lors de votre première semaine de cours.
/Is your dog acting out in full view of another dog? Completely ignores you when he sees (or even thinks he sees) a squirrel? Pull madly on his leash to feel the whole universe? Trying to make fun of everyone passing by?
Good news, the outdoor course Focus on me is the perfect opportunity to work on all the issues you experience with your partner when you are in public.
What we will put into practice:
- Strengthening Pitou’s focus
- Walking on a leash without tension
- Become interesting to your dog
- Techniques for managing pitou disorganization
- Introduction to Premack's principle
- Mental stimulation
IMPORTANT: Classes are outdoors ( spring, summer & fall) and dates may vary depending on temperature.
To register your dog for this course, you must have completed a basic course at Énergie canine Estrie ( Nursery, Teen or Basic Obedience).
Homework included to promote lasting learning and a better relationship between you and your companion. 🐾
Training duration : 55 minutes per course lasting 5 weeks
Number of lessons per session : 5 practical lessons
Seulement 4 places disponibles
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